Saturday, 18 April 2015

Is there a link between Hormones and Pelvic Congestion Syndrome???

Since my Gynaecologist confirmed that I had Pelvic Congestion Syndrome (PCS), I have been doing a lot of research into this and the treatments available. I have talked with a lot of people on a support group that not only have PCS but they also have Endometriosis and Hormone problems!

This cannot be a coincidence!

I am now convinced that there is a definite link between the fact that I have no Progesterone and now PCS...I don't even think that I have Endometriosis but I do think a lot of people are being misdiagnosed and mistreated!

I will continue to research and see what else I can find to confirm that there is a link between the two - it makes sense to me and then of course it will also make sense that Hormones need to be checked and re-balanced before surgical interventions like Hysterectomies are even considered!

Pelvic Congestion Syndrome

What is Pelvic Congestion Syndrome?

Pelvic Congestion Syndrome (PCS) is a condition caused by Varicose Veins in the Pelvis. The Varicose Veins are caused by incompetent valves in the Veins of the Pelvis. This causes blood to fall back into the Pelvis rather than being taken away from the Pelvis by the Iliac Vein which causes congestion.

What are the symptoms of Pelvic Congestion Syndrome?

The symptoms of Pelvic Congestion Syndrome (PCS) are caused by these Varicose Veins pushing onto the other organs in the Pelvis:

* Pressure of the Varicose Veins onto the Pelvis causes Aching more so during a woman's period
* Pressure on the Rectum causes Bowel symptoms such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
* Pressure on the Bladder causes Irritable Bladder which can cause Stress Incontinence
* Pressure on the Vagina can cause Dyspareunia (Discomfort on Sexual Intercourse)

How is Pelvic Congestion Syndrome diagnosed?

If you suffer with any of the symptoms above and/or have any visible Varicose Veins around the Vulva, Groin or Vagina then you need to see a Medical Professional and have a Venous Duplex Ultrasound Scan. Scans such as Ultrasound, MRI and CT are not enough to diagnose Pelvic Congestion Syndrome. Sadly, a lot of women are misdiagnosed!

Currently in Ireland there is nowhere to have a Transvaginal Duplex Ultrasound Scan nor is the treatment for Pelvic Congestion Syndrome available in Ireland.

If you have PCS or you think you have please get in touch with Claudia at the Claudia McGloin Clinic/The Vein Clinic Ireland. You can contact her directly via email: or by calling the clinic on 071 9140728.

Friday, 3 April 2015

Shampoos for Hair Thinning

If you're reading this, I'm guessing you have noticed your hair is thinning due to Unbalanced Hormones and have been wondering which shampoos to buy?

I've had a lot of patients ask me over the years which products I'd recommend but really you need a Dracula PRP Therapy treatment for Hair Thinning. More on that later...

If you've been looking for shampoos to help add volume to your hair you'll notice that between supermarkets, pharmacies & hair salons that there are loads on the market! Each product varies in price and there are usually between 2-3 products you'll need. These are usually shampoo, conditioner, serum and a masque. You'll also have noticed that no matter where you go, you'll be told that those products are the best! 

I'm not an expert in shampoos, well I am to the point that I used to spend over €30 on a shampoo and then realised the same product was available at €5 - same company I will add! Different packages but same product! I know what I like, what I don't, what works for me and what doesn't so, if that makes me knowledgable on the subject so be it :)

I've previously been sent samples from medical companies to see if these would work alongside Dracula PRP Therapy but anyone I got to try them didn't seem to think they worked! They also didn't think the ones they'd tried from pharmacies, hairdressers & supermarkets didn't work either!

Some people have tried Regaine and other products but reports were they made their hair worse to they couldn't use it due to high blood pressure! Agghhh!!! 

So what works???

Prior to my hair thinning and listening to what my patients tell me from their experience - Loreal Fibrology seems to be the product of choice. I have patients tell me they've spent a small fortune on different products but since trying these products they're happy and have noticed a difference! I always tell my patients who ask to try Fibrology first. The reason is it appears to work and is cheap and cheerful. Tesco always have 1/2 price offers and you can get these for €2.74 each! Bargain!

I will point out that I have absolutely NO affiliation with this company or product I'm just merely trying to point you all in the right direction when it comes to getting the right product for you!

I will also say that what works for one won't work for another so, you will have to see what works for you! That said I did a trial...

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Endometriosis Website

The link below is for a website that deals with Endometriosis. It is great for information and news on the disease.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Fog Brain...What???

I'm suffering with the dreaded fog brain and it seems to be getting worse by the day. It's so embarrassing when I go to say something and suddenly I cannot remember what I'm going to say or I say the wrong thing!!! Agghhhh!!!

I find myself apologising and telling people I'm on HRT, I'm in the False Menopause & my brains fried!!! 

Not sure it makes a difference telling people because I don't think they understand or care!!! I can't take any herbal remedies as they'll react with the HRT and I'm trying to keep my poor brain active which makes me tired and doesn't seem to make a difference!!!

What do you find works for you???

Even as I'm typing I know there's more to say but can't remember!!! I'd say the joys of getting old but I'm only 39!!!!

Here's hoping its gets better...

My trial of Fibrology for Hair Thinning

Over the past few months I've noticed my hair has been thinning. I don't think it's that bad to the point that people would notice but I notice a huge difference when I'm styling my hair... I asked my hairdresser last time I was at the salon and she'd noticed it too :( 

I decided to do a trial of Fibrology before I have a Dracula PRP Therapy treatment which is the Gold Standard treatment which works for Hair Thinning, Hairloss, Male Pattern Baldness & Alopecia. More on that later...

I started last week with the shampoo and conditioner. From the first wash I'd noticed that it did slightly make my hair fuller but I'd seen better results from Ojon hair products. These are available from high end department stores and are expensive products. Not sure if they've ones for Hairloss specifically but back in my London days, I used these for extra volume before my hair started thinning! Note to self - try these products again to see what happens now! 

After a few washes, I added in the Fibrology serum. Again it seemed to work but nothing drastic! I will try the masque at the weekend to see if that does anything. Not holding my breathe though! 

Now I know that Dracula PRP Therapy will work and it's the products for use afterwards that interests me more than before the treatment because I know that there is nothing on the market that's going to stimulate my own hair follicle in a 100% safe and natural way like my own Plasma :) I'm just doing an honest trial prior to this to see what I think of the products in the hope it helps you decide what to buy! 

I'd love to hear from others about what they use and what they think of this product! I know there will be loads of different opinions but wouldn't it be boring if we were all the same??? Lol 

So the verdict as it stands is Fibrology is ok prior to Dracula PRP Therapy. It's not going to give you dramatic volume but it's temporary and will give you a wee boost. This maybe enough for some people but for me it's not...I need the Plasma for thicker hair...

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Your Hormone Doctor

Hormones, Hormones, Hormones!!!

The link below is for my new Personal Blog called Hormones, Hormones, Hormones!!!

It is all about Hormones, Endometriosis, Adenymosis, Fibroids, Pelvic Congestion Syndrome, Menopause, Hot Flushes, Night Sweats, HRT and all things Gynae & Vascular! Basically all things that we women can, will & do experience in our transition from Peri-Menpoause to Menopause and beyond...Lucky aren't we???

Why this blog??? Well in a nut shell, I have been battling ALL of the above for the past 3 years (that I know of since symptoms started to make themselves known) and I have struggled in the Republic of Ireland to get investigations, diagnosis, treatments to the point that I was refused certain procedures and offered a Total Hysterectomy that I believe I certainly do not need. I will go into further in depth detail on my blog about it all.

The last diagnosis was 2 weeks ago and the final piece of the jigsaw was completed! :) 

I have never spoken about this publicly before now but due to the fact that I am seeing more and more women coming into my clinic suffering and getting nowhere & my passion is Patient Safety, I am divulging my personal experience in the hope that it gives comfort and help to others! 

I aim to be as open and honest as I possibly can and I welcome input from anyone going through the same thing. Ask me whatever you want in relation to this as I am an open book, I say it as it is and I don't just see it as black & white! I do see the grey areas!

I hope this blog will help you and if there is anything that I can help with or discuss I can be contacted via email - it will all be completely confidential. I am still a Medical Professional that holds dual Nursing Registration in both Ireland and the UK so, my lips are sealed!

I will also point out that all of these views and opinions are my own based on my personal experience. I have many expert colleagues and medical friends that have given me their expert knowledge & advice to share and help you all. You know who you are - many thanks XX 

I must also say that I will NOT be mentioning the consultants or doctors names that I have previously seen as it is unfair to them to publicly name them and I ask anyone who comments on these blog posts to omit medical professional names. I will remain professional throughout and remove posts and names where appropriate!

That said, I will however be naming the guys that have saved me and brought me back to life! They are my life savers!

I truly hope that you find these posts helpful...Happy reading...X